Saturday, October 25, 2008


yeeeeeah...jealous much?

i have so much work to get done this weekend and i was getting so frustrated with my notebook so i just got up and went to the apple store.

whatever. i did the right thing. the AMERICAN thing. it was my PATRIOTIC DUTY to buy a new computer and help the ailing economy.

but, seriously, this huge LED screen is so bright, even on the lowest setting, and it's hurting my eyes and i cant even see the entire screen at once it's so friggen huge. need to get a deeper desk. and a herman miller. and that little desktop metal ball thing that demonstrates the conservation of energy. then my home office tableau would be complete and perfect.


clearrants said...

where is this tablet i've heard so much about? is that it under your mouse? :o

Maryanne. said...

yeah, tablet also doubles as mousepad.

stylus to the right of the computer.