Monday, October 27, 2008

Since Nobody Seems to Get It.

So I'm deciding whether to name my new iMac "Seven of Nine" or "Number Six."

Most of you don't have any idea what I'm talking about.

So, to keep it simple, look at the picture below and tell me which chick is hotter.

Left or Right will suffice.

Thank you for voting!


titus chow said...


clearrants said...

i'm voting twice.

it doesn't count if i use 2 different mediums right?


Courtney said...

Pfft. What happened to Coilette? I refuse to vote, based on the absence of my favorite candidate's name on the ballot. Unacceptable. ;)

That said, I think the woman in red is hotter, face-wise, but the other woman has a sassiness to her that takes the cake.

Lee Katz said...

Yes, I'm on the Coilette bandwagon too!! Write-in vote: Coilette